Amended Parks Closure Order to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19

Amended Parks Closure Order to prevent the spread of covid-19, allows limited, non-vehicular access to some parks, for neighborhood walking, jogging, hiking and bicycling.

Parks and Trail Access Highlights:

6. For purposes of this Order, “Park” means an area of land, beach or water OPEN TO THE PUBLIC for recreation, including but not limited to walking, hiking, biking, relaxing, boating, fishing, and playing, REGARDLESS OF OWNERSHIP.

7. All Parks located within Sonoma County shall continue to be closed to cars, trucks, vans, campers, busses, and any other vehicular access, except to the limited extent necessary to provide for disabled access as a reasonable accommodation.

8. The purpose of the following loosening of restrictions on Park use is intended to allow residents to access Parks near where they live, without resulting in the crowding and virus transmission risks that led to the previous Parks closure. With that as context, walking, jogging, hiking or bicycling in Parks and on trails is permitted, under the following limitations: a. The recreation must be initiated from one’s residence and may not involve the use of a motor vehicle to travel to any Park location, except to the limited extent necessary to provide for disabled access as a reasonable accommodation;"

Read the full Order